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The world of Crystals is very magical. It is full of colors, light and powerful vibrations. They are alive and transmitting strong frequencies, which affects strongly our bodies and go deeper inside. The healing effect of this stones is known worldwide from ancient times. The knowledge of crystals is coming from very ancient times as they are a part of this planet from thousands years. They contain within them selves... 
Chakra is a sanskrit word and it means ”wheel” or ”vortex”. Thus chakras are spinning wheel of energy where mental body along with energy body vibrates with universal energy. It is through these chakras ‘prana’ or ‘ki’ from the universe flows in and any negative energies flows out of the body. So it is important to have have these energy centers open to have harmony and... 
How Reiki works
How Reiki works
“The best methods are those which help the life energy to resume its inner work of healing”. by Paramahansa Yogananda. Since we all are made up of energy, so any imbalance at mind, body or soul level can be harmonized with Reiki. As Reiki is a method of healing in which universal or cosmic energy is channeled for the purpose of healing. This energy not only heals us, but at the same moment it reconnects us... 
Reiki FAQ
Reiki FAQ
Q1. Is it necessary to believe in it? Ans: It is often said that any healing helps you the best when you believe in it, no doubts about it. But what about the cases, when someone is unconscious and only conscious believe could heal? What about the small children, babies? Even when reiki is given to plants and animals, they react positively. So what about that? It is true that when we believe in some thing it is helping... 
Reiki Courses
Reiki Courses
Learning Reiki is not only learning some techniques of healings, but it is a whole process of your own healing also. As it is journey to your inner-self. This is the process in which you are also confronting yourself so that all which is negative can be thrown out. This enables a person to live in a state of clarity, happiness and balance. At our place we offer courses in Traditional and Non-traditional Reiki. A rough... 
History of Reiki
History of Reiki
Reiki is ‘universal life energy’ so the history of its origin goes back in time as the history of universe itself. It is believed that thousands years ago some civilizations, like ‘tibetans’, possessed a deep understanding of nature of spirit, energy and matter. They used this knowledge for healing.Later we come across this knowledge in India and then in other cultures like Japan, China, ... 
What is Reiki
What is Reiki
Reiki is an ancient Hands on Healing method in which universal energies are channeled for the purpose of healing. It is one of the most powerful gifts available to us in this stressful time for bringing us to inner peace and harmony. Reiki offers that sacred place where truth, divine wisdom and cosmic energies integrate together to bring guidance that helps the soul to evolve in higher consciousness. Thus Reiki introduce...